

Made of naturally tanned Tärnsjö Garveri leather, the Maraton handle features two grips for ease. With a real vintage feel about it, the Maraton handle is soft and will wear naturally across time. Simple yet striking, choose between black or brown leather. Suitable for a wide range of applications, the fastening rivets are available in polished brass, polished copper, polished chrome and black matte to suit your individual preference and decor.

Dimensions: 160 mm in length. The space between the two required holes is 128 mm.

Leather Door Handles

Our leather door handles and pulls are made from premium quality naturally tanned Tärnsjö Garveri leather to ensure that your kitchen or home interior has the perfect finishing touch. These Maraton handles are soft and will wear naturally with time. With two grips for ease, opening doors and handles has never been easier. Our leather drawer handles have a striking yet simple design; choose between brown or black leather for a seamless integration into the interior of your property. The fastening rivets are available in a variety of finishes, including polished brass, polished chrome, black matte and polished copper all available with either brown or black leather. With dimensions of 160mm in length, these leather door handles are a suitable size to pull open, but also sit discreetly without looking bulky.

Premium Leather Drawer Handles

The subtle design of the leather drawer handless work well for small drawers on cabinets, so you only require a light force to open them using the leather. The style works well with any interior design, whether it’s modern or classic, and the transformation as the leather wears will bring an even more natural look that will complement the room well.

Having the choice to choose the finish of the fastening rivets, allows you to add your personal touch to the room that will work flawlessly with the rest of the design. Whether you wish to install the leather door handles in the kitchen or another room in the house, you can colour-coordinate the leather and the fastening rivets to suit the existing interior décor. Whether you’re adding the marathon handle to a faktum kitchen or metod kitchen, you can be sure that it will fit flawlessly.

You will notice that a patina will quickly appear on the skin and the aging process will become more visible. If you want to increase resistance to moisture and reduce any discolouration, use products that you would use to protect leather shoes to condition the leather of the leather drawer handles. As the leather has been designed to absorb these products, the treatment will restore and nourish the leather. In turn, this will provide flexibility in the fibres for a lifetime. It’s important that you note that once you have treated the leather door handles with the products, the leather will appear slightly darker than before applying the treatment. If you require any information about how to care for and treat our leather door handles, don’t hesitate to get in touch with our team at Noremax.

Why Choose Our Leather Door Handles?

At Noremax, you can be sure that our leather door handles are made from the best quality leather. For a sophisticated and unique finish to your interior design, choose our leather drawer handles. Similar to our loop handles, the leather is low maintenance and very durable, so your handles can continue to be used time and time, without needing to be replaced or repaired.

For more information, don’t hesitate to contact our experienced team at Noremax. We can answer any queries you may have about our leather drawer handles.

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