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New IKEA Besta legs for your cabinets
It may seem that legs are the less visible element of furniture, but they are important, especially if you want a consistent design. Especially visible or hidden cabinet legs in the kitchen area can change the overall look of a given space. Therefore buying suitable IKEA Besta legs for your sideboards is such an important decision.
IKEA Besta legs as a part of Besta series
There are several famous and popular IKEA furniture series, Besta is one of them. You can buy IKEA Besta legs for any kitchen cabinets but they are created to fit Besta furniture. Before we dive into this, it will be good to remind the advantages of the Besta series and replacements for its elements.
Besta was created to fit any space. It is a good choice if you need cabinets and a cupboard for a small kitchen or a living room. At the same time, there is a possibility to buy a bigger version of the same furniture. You can also fit it into non-standard spaces like a loft or customized apartment.
Customers usually choose Besta as storage solutions. One of the reasons for that may be that it requires to be secured to the wall. It is practical to use in many rooms.
Besta comes with various material, colour and style options. You can also change the look of your old furniture using replacements for the Besta furniture series. Choose and buy custom Besta fronts or legs to customize your furniture set.
Furniture elements that make the difference
Sometimes details are key to create a specific design. Besides IKEA Besta legs, some other elements can change the look of your furniture without the need to replace the whole set. If you want to customize IKEA furniture, it is advisable to think about these parts replacement first.
Cabinet fronts are the first thing we see after we enter any room or kitchen. Our eyes notice the colours, decorations and arrangement of these elements. Are they flat or decorated, bright or dark, painted in warm or cold colours? All of that adds up and influence our perception of a given space, before we have a chance to notice it consciously.
The second impression comes when we start to notice some details. For example, different kinds of materials that the sideboards are made of. Wooden kitchen doors, especially with natural colour left, make the space look more natural. It perfectly fits such styles as rustic or boho. Although, industrial with some natural-looking elements look good as well. You can get a similar impression with bamboo fronts. On the other hand, painted MDF boards give us more opportunities to play with various shades and colours. Vivid, bright colours in the kitchen can lift our mood and help to improve digestion.
IKEA Besta legs as an element of design
In traditional kitchen design, we tend to hide cabinet legs. But with decorative IKEA Besta legs, you can change the look of your furniture. They come in two different lengths: 17 and 30 cm, and various styles and materials.
The first decision you should make when buying IKEA Besta legs is whether you want to hide or show them. You can mask them with various kinds of plinths, which are also available in our online shop. The plinths you choose may be a part of the overall IKEA custom fronts design. If you are looking for replacements for sideboard fronts, you will find additional elements like plinth below the general information about a given product.
If you decide to buy decorative IKEA Besta legs, it will be better to leave them exposed. They are made of different materials, and you can paint them in any colour you like, so you can customize them to look best in combination with other furniture elements, like fronts and tops.
Lighter look with exposed cabinet legs
When we think about cabinets with exposed legs two terms may come to mind: lighter and more traditional. It does not mean that every kitchen or room with visible furniture legs look traditional, but certainly, every piece of furniture with visible legs looks lighter.
If, for example, you want to create a set that looks very light and fresh you can combine mesh or glass cabinet doors, exposed cabinet legs and light or natural colours. If a piece of furniture has some space exposed under the bottom it looks almost as if it was floating above the floor. Our brain automatically reads this as a sign of the lightness of the material. So exposed furniture legs make any cabinet seemingly lighter.
Better cleaning with IKEA Besta legs
Do you want to have a clean and healthy kitchen? Not many people take it into account, but exposed furniture legs can make cleaning easier. Imagine how much dirt, and even pests can gather under the hidden cabinet bottom. It depends on many factors but generally closed space, which is not very movable may be more difficult to take after.
That’s why exposed IKEA Besta legs are a simple way to make cleaning much easier. You can sweep and wash the floor underneath without moving the cabinets. It also helps to discourage pests from infesting hidden spaces. Not only do we have that space under control, but it is airier and cooler. Most kitchen pests prefer dirt, warmth and moisture, so the problem resolves itself on many levels.
IKEA Besta legs are beautiful
All the reasons above make exposing cabinet legs worth considering. However, you may want to show them just because they look good. It can be a complementary element of the furniture design, that will make your kitchen furniture look simply better.
IKEA Besta legs have a cone shape, which is simple but elegant enough to match any style of the cabinet front. They can be painted in any chosen colour to match the colours of the front and sides of your cabinet. We provide an NCS palette of almost 2000 colours. Either choose a colour from the drop-down list or send us a code of the specific colour that you want. If you prefer a more natural look, there is an option to stain the outer layer and cover them with a clear coat on top. There are 12 different stains available for the Besta legs.
In the second case, legs are more suitable for cabinets with unpainted wooden or bamboo doors. As wooden fronts and tops, legs also comes with three gloss options to choose from: semi-gloss, satin and matte. Prices of every type of finish differ slightly but they are generally not very expensive.
Get everything you need in one package
We want our clients to be able to install any furniture element themselves. That is the general idea of IKEA furniture and Noremax makes it even easier. If you buy IKEA Besta legs, you will get them with all necessary screws, bolts and pads. Everything is included in the product price. Also, they are easy to install, so no expert knowledge or special tools are necessary. Just get your simple screwdriver or electric screwdriver ready and wait for the delivery of your package.
Are they safe?
One thing that may concern our customers is the safety of exposed IKEA Besta legs. If a cabinet stands on 30 cm high legs, is it safe and stable? We can calm you down. Besta legs are strong and can be trusted. They are designed to carry the weight of Besta cabinets and should serve you well for many years. Because Besta is designed to be attached to the wall, it is more stable than many other furniture series.
If you are unsure of their safety it is always advisable to follow basic health and safety rules. But you can be sure that we provide as safe product as possible. Don’t forget that many users of cabinets and other furniture from IKEA have tested it for many years.
How long will I wait for delivery?
Let’s talk about some practical issues. If you order a set of cabinet legs only, we can prepare them in 3 weeks. However, some larger elements, like cabinet fronts, can take up to 5-6 weeks to complete. So the time of delivery depends on the content of your order and its specification. Remember that we are preparing everything you have chosen for your customized product. It takes some time. The completion of some of them may take longer due to specific elements they contain like customized size or colour.
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